Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Continents of the World

After seeing how cool our Principal Appreciation Week collages turned out, the kids asked me if we could do another project using the collage app. We were just about to begin learning about the seven continents, and what makes each of them their own unique place. I split the kids up into seven groups and each of them was responsible for researching their continent using a world atlas. They then each had to draw pictures of the map, animals that live there, and a special place or land feature. During this project some of the kids were having a hard time free hand drawing a picture of the shape of the continent. Just as some of them were getting frustrated, one of their classmates had the brilliant idea to take a picture of the continent, use it as a background in drawing pad, and then draw on top of the already existing picture. This ensured the work was their own, but it gave them an easy starting point. It really was one of those moments that the ingenuity of the students made me smile. One final note... I ended up teaching the students a song I learned when I was in second grade (I wonder what Mrs. Schleef is up to now!) to remember all the continents. It is funny to have such a full circle moment now that I'm a teacher myself. Elementary School memories!

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